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01282 692407

Mon - Fri

08:15 - 19:30

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01282 692407

Mon - Fri

08:15 - 19:30

Composite bonding is becoming increasingly popular, due to the fact, it is one of the least invasive cosmetic treatments and can deliver life-changing results in a single visit.

Composite bonding can treat a range of dental issues. Which can include:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Discoloured or white marked teeth
  • Gum recession
  • Mis-shapen teeth
  • Tooth decay

The specialist white composite resin is bonded to the tooth surface.  From there, it is carefully shaped, sculpted and polished to match your other teeth and enhance your new smile. Once finished, you will enjoy a natural seamless look.

Before and After

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Why choose us

Give your smile the attention it deserves.

We are focused on providing our patients with the highest level of dental care.

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Cavity Protection

100% Rated us 5*

Gum Disease

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Cosmetic Dentistry

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100% Rated us 5*

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